Anything But Average Pt. 1: Pass the Test

Luke 4:1
Luke 4:13-14
God desires your life to be ” Anythings But Average”
It was God who gave Joseph his dream, Moses his calling, Jesus His anointing, Abraham his increase and David his promotion.
These men didn’t come to God and ask for it. God came to them and asked them to do it.
They are not the exception they are the rule.
Psalms 113:7-8
Why doesn’t He do it?
1 Timothy 3:10
He proves you before He promotes you.
Deuteronomy 8:1-2
Everybody passes through the wilderness.
Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, Israel for 40 years. The difference? How fast it takes me to pass the test.
In God there is no social promotion.
For every new level there is a new test.
Genesis 22:1-3
Genesis 22:12-17

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